🎞️Data Management

I've collected some characterization data for my nanoscience and nanoengineering investigation - now what?

Uploading Experimental Data

Navigate to AtomCloud and log in with your account information. Send us an email at support@atomicdatasciences.com if you ever have issues with your account.

Go to the "Data Management" page and upload your experimental dat (e.g., RHEED video) in one of the following accepted formats:

  • .mp4

  • .avi

  • .tar, .zip, .gz archive file that contains any number of MP4 or AVI formatted RHEED videos.

Drag and drop your file into the dropzone or navigate using your file explorer. On successful upload, you will see a green checkmark and your data will be catalogued, kicking off the analysis steps.

Annotate Experimental Data

Annotate Data by "linking" it with information about the equipment (growth environment) and the intended or target material system.

Ensure the Target Materials and Growth Environment lists are up to date. Add the intended / goal materials from the latest uploaded syntheses (Target Materials) and make sure you have the synthesis equipment used listed in Growth Environments

To annotate a single file: use the dropdowns in the Your Data table to select the Target Materials or Growth Environments

To annotate multiple files at once:

  1. In the Your Data table, use the check-box(s) to select files to link

  2. From the Target Materials table, use the check-box(s) to select the intended / goal material of the synthesis

  3. Using the Growth Environments drop-down, select the equipment used in the synthesis

  4. Finally, click the Link Selected button

Adding and editing Target Materials

Maintain a list of each unique intended / target material system and link them to uploaded characterization data to enable search / filtering. Add layer structure to track materials in greater detail.

  1. Click +Material at the top of the table to create a new target material

  2. Enter a unique name for the material and click Add

Adding Layer detail to Target Materials

Add Layers to track additional details about layer order, formula, group, orientation etc.

  1. Click > to expand details in the Target Materials table

  2. Click + Layer to add information about the first growth layer (layers are number from substrate outward see diagram below)

  3. Optional: input layer , Target Space Group, Target Orientation, and mpID

  4. Click Create to save changes to the layer

  5. Add additional layers as needed...

Editing a Layer

  1. Click into any field you wish to edit and make changes, fields are restricted to valid entries in some cases (e.g., atomic formula)

  2. Click Update Layer to save changes

Renaming Substrate

Edit the substrate label directly by clicking on the text in the Target Materials table

Adding Growth Environment

Create a list of growth environments to link with characterization data (e.g., MBE chamber #2). Use the dropdown menu to select the growth environment you want to link with your data.

  1. Click Add New to record a growth environment

  2. In the pop-out window, select the equipment model from the drop-down menu

  3. After selecting the model, enter a unique name / identifier and click Create Data Source

Editing equipment metadata

  1. Select which Growth Environment you wish to edit to view all data fields

  2. In the section labeled Source Meta click into fields to edit, number of inputs, manufacturer year, and serial number

  3. Click Save Updates when you are done

  4. ID from the Materials Project

Last updated